
Trax Archives

1994: World Championship

Challenge Match

This year there was a significant international contingent, who played the early rounds by e-mail. The top two e-mail players were invited to the Candidate's tournament, some of which was played over the internet between the Bay Area, California and Christchurch. The winning candidate was Dan Pless, of the USA. The challenge match was played between Dan and Donald (the incumbent champion) via an internet link using a "talk" program to relay the moves. Donald was playing from The Science Centre and Manawatu Museum, Palmerston North, and Dan was playing from a computer at his work in Pennsylvania, USA.

Dan Pless won the match 6-4 to become the new World Champion.


Bailey vs  Pless   (27 turns)
@0/ @1/ A0/ @1/ B3+ D2/ D1/ A2+ @2/ @2/
@2/ @2/ A1/ B1+ F0+ D1+ @3\ A2+ B4+ E0+
H1+ J2\ @4/ B5+ H0/ F7/ RESIGN


 Pless   vs Bailey (33 turns)
@0/ A0/ @1/ B0+ @2/ D2\ E2\ A0/ @1/ B0/
A3/ @3/ D2/ C0+ B5+ B6/ A7\ @2\ G6+ F7\
C8+ D8\ @4\ B5+ H3/ H2+ F1+ H1/ J6\ J7\
I1/ J1+ H0+


 Bailey   vs Pless (32 turns)
@0+ B1+ C1/ D1/ D2/ E1+ @1/ E0+ C0/ D4+
F5/ D5+ G4\ H4\ E1+ D0/ E0\ C2+ F3\ G3+
C6/ @5/ B4+ E8\ E9\ E10\ H7\ H8\ C7/ C8/


Pless vs  Bailey   (35 turns)
@0/ A0/ B1/ A3+ @3+ D2\ E2/ A1\ C0+ @3+
C5\ C6\ @2/ @2/ D6+ G4\ I3/ E0/ B6/ B7/
I3/ I2+ B8+ A6+ @4+ H7\ H8\ K2\ L5\ C9+
I9+ F8+ D9+ L6+ RESIGN


 Bailey   vs Pless (25 turns)
@0+ B1+ C1/ C0/ B0/ A4\ @3/ @3/ C5\ E4+
F4\ B6+ F1/ G3+ A2+ D0+ F1/ E0/ @6+ A5\
@8/ C9\ A5\ A4\ @6/


 Pless   vs Bailey (33 turns)
@0/ @1/ A2/ B3/ B0+ B0/ C1/ @3+ B1+ B0\
@3/ F3/ E4+ G3+ H3/ I3/ H4+ F5+ G6+ J3/
B6\ @4+ D7+ H8+ B6/ C7+ @4/ B5/ A5+ A6/
A7+ B8/ @6/


Bailey vs  Pless   (25 turns)
@0/ @1/ A2+ C1+ C3/ C0/ B1+ @3+ D5+ E2+
F1\ E4+ C5/ G3\ G4\ H2/ G1+ G0/ H2/ I2/
H1/ H0/ I2/ E0\ RESIGN


 Pless   vs Bailey (25 turns)
@0/ A0/ B1/ B3+ C1/ A4\ A5\ C4+ B6+ @1\
C0+ E5\ F5\ F8+ G5\ A5+ @4/ H1\ @5/ B6+
B7/ A6/ @6/ A7/ C8+


 Bailey   vs Pless (32 turns)
@0+ B1+ C1/ C0/ B0/ A4\ D2\ E2\ A1\ A0\
A0\ D5+ @4+ @4/ C7\ @5+ B3+ C6+ C8\ B8+
@5/ B1\ B0\ A3/ B4+ @6\ A3/ F9\ F10\ D1+


 Pless   vs Bailey (29 turns)
@0/ B1+ C1/ D1+ B0+ B0/ B4+ @3/ B5+ C0+
E3+ B3\ A1/ B0+ B0/ @3\ @3\ H4\ B2+ @2/
B4+ B6+ @4+ B6+ C1/ F0/ A2\ C1/ @3/

TRAX is the common law mark of David Smith and is used to identify his tile game and equipment. Rules of TRAX copyright 1981, 1984, 1987, 1990, 1998 and 2017 David Smith, Christchurch, NZ.
This Website compiled by Donald Bailey, Palmerston North, NZ. Copyright © 2000-2017